november, 2016
14novAll Day178th European Innovation SummitFuture Now!(All Day)

november 14 (Monday) - 17 (Thursday)
European Parliament, Brussels
Event Details
The 8th European Innovation Summit comes at a time of major challenges and opportunities requiring bold decisions. Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things; innovative business models for
Event Details
The 8th European Innovation Summit comes at a time of major challenges and opportunities requiring bold decisions. Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things; innovative business models for the sharing economy; disruptive technologies such as autonomous driving or genetic engineering – are some of the big game changers that have a profound impact on the way we live and work. Innovation as the response to major societal challenges is not only about technological developments executed by researchers in their labs. It requires the involvement of the users from the beginning and equally important a better connection and communication between science and society.
Innovation means change: Change in technologies, change in the way we do things, change in mind-set – all targeted to improve citizens and investor confidence and trust in Europe.
Europe needs a coherent set of policies for innovation, sufficient private and public funding for starting and growing innovative companies and a strong focus on next generation innovators and entrepreneurs. While nearly all stakeholders will agree with these priorities, we now need to speed-up implementation of concrete actions in a coherent and non-fragmented way. The unique format of the K4I Platform engaging representatives from EU institutions and member states and its ability to enable cross-stakeholder cooperation will be demonstrated again during this year’s 8th European Innovation Summit.
The presentations and discussions will result in concrete recommendations for actions. After the launch of the Pact for Innovation (INPACT) during the 7th EIS in December 2015, we are now able to present first results of the initial working groups for further discussion with the summit participants. All pro-innovation actors are invited to sign the Pact and contribute to the implementation of its priorities. Now is the time to move from words to deed as “INPACT gives a great new platform on which not only volunteer actors but also the EU institutions should now come together” (Robert Madelin: ‘Opportunity now: Europe’s mission to innovate’).
In the context of the midterm evaluation of Horizon 2020 and the planning for the upcoming ‘Framework Programme 9’, the discussion about impact has gained traction. The key questions are how to assess the success of EU research funding and its instruments, and which lessons to draw for the design of the new programme.
We invite all 8th European Innovation Summit participants to share their experiences, identify lessons learnt and make recommendations for research and innovation policy beyond 2020. The time for the Future is now!
Knowledge4Innovation Forum
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 4
- 14th November 2016
17:00 Knowledge-intensive Services for Open Innovation17:00 - 18:30in cooperation with PROMIS
Venue: ASP 5E3
Hosting MEP: Lambert van Nistelrooij, Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board, MEP19:00 Summit Opening and INPACT Stakeholder Signing Ceremony19:00 - 20:00Venue: Members’ Restaurant
Hosting MEPs: Lambert van Nistelrooij, Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board,
Prof. Jerzy Buzek, Vice Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board, MEP, ITRE Committee Chair, former President of the European Parliament20:00 Special Summit Dinner20:00 - 22:00Venue: Members’ Salon
Hosting MEPs: Lambert van Nistelrooij, Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board, MEP
Prof. Jerzy Buzek, Vice Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board, MEP, ITRE Committee Chair, former President of the European Parliament- 15th November 2016
08:00 Are the EIT KIC’s really making an IMPACT?... A KIC view08:00 - 09:30in cooperation with the EIT KICs
Venue: Members’ Salon, European Parliament
Host: Lambert van Nistelrooij, Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board, MEP08:30 Digital Farming Revolution in Agriculture – Making ambitions a reality08:30 - 10:00in cooperation with Bayer
Venue: Members’ Salon, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Lambert van Nistelrooij, Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board09:00 Mid-term Review and post 2020 preparations09:00 - 11:00Venue: PHS 5B001, European Parliament
Hosting MEPs: Lambert van Nistelrooij, Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board
Andrey Novakov, Member of the K4I Forum Governing Board11:00 8th EIS Exhibition Opening11:00 - 12:00Venue: 3rd Floor Gallery
Hosting MEP: Andrey Novakov, Member of the K4I Forum Governing Board11:30 High-level Lunch debate: Robotics in Europe – Opportunities and challenges11:30 - 13:15in cooperation with TU Delft and euRobotics
Venue: Members’ Salon, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Member of the K4I Forum Governing Board12:30 Another Inconvenient Truth: The Role of Pesticides in European Agriculture and Productivity12:30 - 14:30in cooperation with ECPA
Venue: Members’ Salon, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Nuno Melo13:15 Robotics in Europe – Opportunities and challenges13:15 - 15:00in cooperation with TU Delft and euRobotics
Venue: JAN 4Q2, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Michal Boni, Member of the K4I Forum Governing Board15:00 STEM education: “Education Now, Innovation Tomorrow”15:00 - 17:00in cooperation with Plastics Europe
Venue: PHS 5B001, European Parliament
Hosting MEPs: Victor Negrescu & Maria Grapini16:00 Driving the change towards a circular economy16:00 - 18:00organised by Knowledge4Innovation Forum
Venue: Members´ Restaurant, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Ivana Maletic18:00 Networking Reception: Together for sustainability18:00 - 19:30in cooperation with SusChem
Venue: Members´ Restaurant, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Lambert van Nistelrooij, Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board19:00 Reward for Innovation: The balance between continued investment in novel biological medicines and increased access to medicines for patients across Europe19:00 - 22:00in cooperation with EuropaBio
Venue: Members´ Salon, European Parliament
Hosting MEPs: Marian Harkin & Lambert van Nistelrooij, Chair of the K4I Forum Governing19:30 Quantum Technologies: towards a European FET flagship program19:30 - 22:00in cooperation with TU Delft
Venue: Members´ Salon, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Member of the K4I Forum Governing Board- 16th November 2016
08:00 Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence – and what it means for policy makers08:00 - 09:30in cooperation with IEEE
Venue: Members’ Salon, European Parliament
Hosting MEPs: Angelika Mlinar & Mady Delvaux09:30 INPACT – Presentation and Discussion of Initial Priorities09:30 - 13:00Venue: PHS 1A002, European Parliament
Hosting MEPs: Eva Kaili, Angelika Mlinar, Victor Negrescu, Brando Benifei, Vicky Ford & Cora van Nieuwenhuizen12:30 Share your Talent – Move the World12:30 - 14:00in cooperation with Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Venue: Members´ Salon, European Parliament
Hosting MEPs: Vladimir Urutchev & Brando Benifei12:30 Turning CO2 into value for Europe: Opportunities and challenges12:30 - 14:30in cooperation with Cefic
Venue: Members´ Salon, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Ivana Maletic13:00 Innovate the European transport system – routes to growth, new jobs and reindustrialisation13:00 - 15:00in cooperation with Technology Partners Foundation
Venue: Members´ Salon, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Prof. Jerzy Buzek, Vice Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board, ITRE Committee Chair, former President of the European Parliament14:30 STOA Annual Lecture 2016: Towards a space-enabeld future for Europe14:30 - 17:00Venue: PHS 3C50, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Paul Rübig, Member of the K4I Forum, STOA Chair15:00 JIIP Annual Symposium: The effect of Digitisation on Society15:00 - 19:00in cooperation with the Joint Institute for Innovation Policy
Venue: PHS 5B001, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Victor Negrescu19:00 Summit Closing Ceremony19:00 - 20:00Venue: Members’ Restaurant, European Parliament
Hosting MEP: Prof. Jerzy Buzek, Vice Chair of the K4I Forum Governing Board, ITRE Committee Chair, former President of the European Parliament
Keynote speaker: Corina Crețu, European Commissioner for Regional Policy- 17th November 2016
14:30 New Education Forum: Innovations for Counteracting Youth Unemployment14:30 - 18:00in cooperation with the Center for Innovative Education
Venue: EESC
Hosting MEP: Danuta Jazłowiecka