
Knowledge4Innovation (K4I) is an open, independent, non-profit platform for debate on the future of innovation in Europe. The goal of K4I is making innovation, research and new technologies the top priority for Europe and to put in place the best possible framework conditions for innovators and new technologies.

K4I engages a wide variety of stakeholders including regions, cities and universities, research organisations and think tanks as well as technology platforms and small and large innovative enterprises. Every debate is hosted by one or several political members of the K4I Forum in the European Parliament.

In July 2019 the K4I Forum launched the European Innovation Area (EIA) initiative. The EIA Manifesto which was handed over to Commissioner Gabriel identifies 8 Focus Areas that guide the EIA agenda and activities. In line with the Green Deal objectives and the SDGs, K4I is supporting the transition towards a sustainable future.

Every innovator in Europe interested in one or the other EIA focus area is most welcome to join us on our journey to the European Innovation Area, sign the EIA Manifesto and submit ‘actionable ideas’ – anytime on the EIA website.