december, 2019

(Tuesday) 18:00 - 22:30
European Parliament, Brussels
Event Details
Event Details
Event description:
At this event, the key outcomes of the EU funded STORE&GO project will be presented. STORE&GO is a European research cooperation including three operational Power-to-Gas (PtG) plants in Italy, Germany and Switzerland. 27 partner organisations and companies have collaborated in the lighthouse project STORE&GO to integrate the Power-to-Gas technology into the future European energy system. The project is funded by the European Union’s “Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme” with 18 Million Euros as well as from the Swiss government with six Million Euros.
Project findings and generated results and scenarios were transformed into a roadmap for the integration of Power-to-Gas technology in Europe’s energy system to contribute to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, which will be presented. The roadmap describes a holistic approach considering techno-economic feasibility of energy storage operations, integration of PtG concepts in the electricity and gas grid, reduction of regulatory barriers for PtG, as well as potential market uptake for PtG across Europe.
In order for the European Union (EU) to meet the target of reducing CO2 emissions by at least 40 per cent by 2030 compared to 1990 and by 80–95 per cent by the year 2050, the majority of fossil energy must be replaced by renewable energy. As renewable sources tend to be volatile and generate energy intermittently, long-term storage will be required. Storing large amounts of electrical energy from renewable sources by converting to hydrogen and methane will enable countries to deal with periods without sufficient wind and sun available. Furthermore, long distance transport of gas is more efficient than transporting electricity. Project results show that Power-to-Gas is required as a building block in further transforming the energy system towards zero GHG emissions.
Benefits of power-to-gas
1. Provides crucial elements for tomorrow’s energy system
– In an energy system with large shares of renewable energy, PtG provides one of the most promising options to get to large-scale and flexible energy storage. The existing European 100 billion m 3 underground storage capacity – corresponding to 25 % of the EU’s yearly gas consumption – is a crucial component for safeguarding energy security in a world that mostly depends on renewable energy sources.
– By its conversion and storage capabilities, PtG can add to balancing the electricity grid, and providing the back-up capacity needed to secure supply for the end-users, and stabilize the power market.
– In addition, PtG is an essential means to provide ‘green’ hydrogen and methane feedstock for chemical industries, which today are completely dependent on fossil input.
– PtG enables the integration of ‘green’ energy into applications that are otherwise practically impossible to make green, including long-range road and maritime transport. The many applications make PtG an indispensable component for the coupling of energy sectors.
– The liquefaction of SNG, demonstrated in STORE&GO, provides ‘green’ liquefied natural gas (LNG), a high-density energy carrier which is easy to transport. Decarbonization can thus be carried not only into mobility but also into remote off-grid locations.
2. Provides a cost-efficient energy transition
– The CO 2 neutral gas generated from PtG can easily be transported, distributed and stored in the existing gas infrastructure, consisting of the 2.2 million km European gas grid and storage units. It may be economically feasible to ‘convert’ electricity from renewable sources into gas and transport it via the existing gas grid to consumers, instead of building new power lines to transfer energy. Hence costs for extending the electricity grids could be minimized or at least deferred.
– We can continue to use the existing European 200 million gas-based end devices, which account for 23 % of the EU’s final energy consumption; thereby carrying decarbonization e.g. into the heating sector – which is difficult to decarbonize – and avoiding the costs of exchanging millions of devices.
Knowledge4Innovation Forum in coopertion with DVGW
Speakers for this event
Barbara Jinks
Barbara Jinks
Director Government Relations, Gas Infrastructure Europe AISBL
Over 30 years as engineer and project manager in development of gas projects in Europe and Australia including offshore/onshore pipelines, coal seam gas development, small-scale LNG in remote Western Australia and the major LNG projects in Queensland. Barbara is now the Director Government Relations with the Gas Infrastructure Europe (the European association that is the voice for midstream gas infrastructure in LNG, transmission and storage). Barbara Jinks leads the global Task Force with IGU “Energy for All” (where LNG plays an essential role delivering clean energy around the world) and the global study group “Efficiency of Energy Systems”.
Director Government Relations, Gas Infrastructure Europe AISBL
Dr. Frank Graf
Dr. Frank Graf
Head of Division, Gas Technology, Engler-Bunte-Institute of the Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT)
Frank Graf graduated in 2001 from the Technical University of Karlsruhe in Process Engineering and received his PhD from the Technical University of Karlsruhe in 2007. Since 2005 he is employed at DVGW-EBI. 2005 - 2010 he headed the department Gas Technology Consulting. Since 2010 he is responsible for the division Gas Technology. Besides, he is head of the group “Physical-chemical fuel processing technologies” at Engler-Bunte-Institute, KIT. His current R&D work at KIT and DVGW focus on the production and utilization of gases from renewable sources. Important research activities in this field are biogas production and upgrading as well as PtG technologies. Furthermore, he is expert for gas transport and distribution topics like gas quality aspects, injection of renewable gases, odorisation. He is member of various national and international research and standardization committees.
Head of Division, Gas Technology, Engler-Bunte-Institute of the Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT)
Jachin Gorre
Jachin Gorre
Project Manager, Institute of Energy Technology, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
Jachin Gorre has been working at the Institute of Energy Technology since April 2016. He holds a degree in Process Engineering (M.Sc.) with a focus on chemical and energetic process engineering. He uses his previous professional experience in conception and plant construction as a project manager in the field of power-to-gas, e.g. in the EU research project STORE&GO. Further focal points of his activities are feasibility analyses and scientific monitoring of industrial power-to-gas projects.
Project Manager, Institute of Energy Technology, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
Prof. Dr. Catrinus Jepma
Prof. Dr. Catrinus Jepma
Honorary professor Energy and Sustainability, Faculty of Economics and Business and Global Economics & Management, University of Groningen
Prof. Dr. Catrinus J. Jepma founder and chairman of JIN Climate and Sustainability, professor of Energy and Sustainability at the University of Groningen, senior fellow at the Energy Delta Institute and lecturer at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. His fields of specialisation are: Energy economics, International environmental economics and International economic policy coordination. He was a.o. convening lead author, coordinating lead author and lead author of the IPCC Working Group III SAR, TAR and FAR respectively. He was the project coordinator or scientific director of a large number of research projects (including the PROBASE project, EDGaR, ENSEA, EDIaal) and advises various bodies, including the Netherlands government, on various issues, including energy and climate policy issues.
Honorary professor Energy and Sustainability, Faculty of Economics and Business and Global Economics & Management, University of Groningen
Prof. Dr. Gerald Linke
Prof. Dr. Gerald Linke
CEO, DVGW German Gas and Water Association e.V.
Prof. Dr. Gerald Linke has been appointed in July 2014 as CEO of the German Gas & Water Association, the national standard setting body and R&D organization for gas and water. Prior to this position, he worked at E.ON as Senior Vice President Global Engineering and as Managing Director of KGNR, a grid operator for the transport of hythane in the industrial Ruhr area. Before 2011, Prof Linke served at different leading positions in the E.ON Ruhrgas group, such as Senior Vice President Research & Development or Director of the Northern German Region being responsible for several Thousands of kilometres of high-pressure natural pipeline grid. Dr Linke is a graduate in Mathematical Physics of the Technical University of Braunschweig, and holds a Doctor of Science. In 2014 he has been appointed as Professor at the Ruhr-University Bochum and in 2018 as Marcogaz President.
CEO, DVGW German Gas and Water Association e.V.
Stefan Moser
Stefan Moser
Head of Unit, Internal Energy Market, DG Energy, European Commission
Stefan Moser was born in Munich in 1971 and trained as an economist and a lawyer. He joined the European Commission in 2000 in DG Competition to work on control of state aid to public undertakings and services, notably financial institutions. From 2005 to 2009, he worked in DG Environment on climate and environment policy, notably greenhouse gas emissions trading, transport emissions and air quality. From 2009 to 2015, he dealt with policy coordination in the Secretariat-General, in particular on climate, energy, environment, transport, agriculture and maritime policies. He was appointed Head of the Security of Supply Unit in DG Energy in March 2015 and has since then been in charge of the development and implementation of energy security policies in relation to gas, electricity, oil, offshore safety, cybersecurity and protection of critical infrastructure.
Head of Unit, Internal Energy Market, DG Energy, European Commission