june, 2020

(Friday) 09:30 - 10:30
Zoom Virtual Debate
Event Details
The COVID-19 crisis has completely changed the agendas of European governments, and as a consequence, the plans that Germany had for its presidency of the Council. Climate change,
Event Details
The COVID-19 crisis has completely changed the agendas of European governments, and as a consequence, the plans that Germany had for its presidency of the Council. Climate change, digitalization and trade policy with the United States, were among the main priorities of the upcoming presidency. The crisis has made Germany seriously revise its aims, as it is faced with leading the bloc’s recovery effort.
Join us on June 19, 9:30, with Michael Vorländer, Head of Unit, Education and Research, Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union, to discover the agenda and main priorities of the German Presidency.
Knowledge4Innovation Forum
Hosting MEP
Maria da Graça Carvalho, MEP, Chair of the K4I Forum
Speakers for this event
Lambert van Nistelrooij
Lambert van Nistelrooij
Former MEP and Honorary Member of K4I
Lambert van Nistelrooij was Member of the European Parliament from 2004 till 2019. He has been focusing on regional policy, research, innovation, energy and the Digital Agenda. In 1978 Lambert was elected member of the local council and member of Dutch region of Noord-Brabant from 1991-2004. He became vice-governor of Noord-Brabant. He initiated Knowledge4Innovation (K4I) and is its honorary president. Currently Lambert is self-employed : www.vannistelrooijregional.nl He is member of the Noord-Brabant Hydrogen Coalition, Advisor to the Regional Stars Awards Jury (DG Regio), Advisor to the EIT on synergies between EU Funds, Participant in the Americas Competitiveness Exchange (OAS), Guest professor Normal University Beijing and member of the Board of Health Care institutions in the Netherlands. Activities as Member of the European Parliament: 2017: RAPPORTEUR on the Regulation for the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) Shadow RAPPORTEUR on the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) 2016: RAPPORTEUR on the report on investing in jobs and growth - maximising the contribution of European Structural and Investment Funds: an evaluation of the report under Article 16(3) of the CPR October 2013: REPORT European Joint Technology Undertaking Biobased Industry. July 2011: FIRST RAPPORTEUR on EP and Council Regulation on the General Regulation; European Investment Funds (ESIF), (325 Billion Euros). Lambert van Nistelrooij was - Member, EPP Coordinator and EPP Speaker in the Committee on Regional Development; - Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection; - Member of the Delegation for relations with Brazil; - Member of the Delegation for relations with Mercosur; - Member of the Delegation in the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly; - Co-president of the AGE and URBAN-intergroups; - President of the Knowledge for Innovation (K4I) Forum in the European Parliament;
Former MEP and Honorary Member of K4I
Michael Vorländer
Michael Vorländer
Head of Unit, Education and Research, Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union
Michael Vorländer is the Head of Unit for Education and Research at Germany’s Permanent Representation to the EU since January 2018. Prior to this, he worked as a senior Adviser for Education and Research Policy in the German Parliament ("Bundestag") for the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group and as Head of Unit for EU Research Policy and the European Research Area at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany. Other previous functions included a posting in Washington, D.C., as Counsellor for Science, Technology and Space at the German Embassy and an assignment to the Federal Chancellery of Germany as a Policy Officer for Education and Research in Berlin. Before joining the German civil service, Michael worked as a Public Prosecutor in Munich after having completed his law studies and practical legal training in Germany, Singapore, Norway and the United Kingdom.
Head of Unit, Education and Research, Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union