april, 2019

(Wednesday) 08:00 - 09:30
Members' Salon, European Parliament, Brussels
Event Details
Event Details
Points for discussion
- Forecast of EP seats from the elections
- Volatility and fluctuation of the vote (turnover, loss of power from traditional political groups)
- The impact of the BREXIT on the EP elections
- Mobilising young voters to engage in the elections
- Unfinished business (rule 229) in the EP legislature
- Future K4I Forum Members
- Gathering all lists and understand who is likely to be elected
- Identifying and contacting new MEPs
- Sollicitate the support from K4I political members
- Introduction to ‘successors’
- New colleagues
- Organisation of an event on election (Innovation Election Reception/Dinner) before the summer break
- Organisation of the K4I Data & AI Innovation Summit in September
Knowledge4Innovation Forum
Ivana Maletic, Member of the European Parliament
- Michael Vincent, MEP candidate, France
- Karsten Klein, MEP candidate, The Netherlands (tbc)
- Aura Salla, MEP candidate, Finland (tbc)
- All participants