october, 2020
(Tuesday) 11:00 - 12:30
Zoom Virtual Debate
Event Details
Digital Transformation touches upon every aspect of our lives: the way we work, think, produce, socialise, research, provide services and so on. The transformation is essential for Europe
Event Details
Digital Transformation touches upon every aspect of our lives: the way we work, think, produce, socialise, research, provide services and so on. The transformation is essential for Europe to maintain its competitiveness and its position in the world. In some domains Europe leads, in many it lags behind.
For many years, the Digital Transformation has been high on the political and policy agenda, and its critical importance has been recognised. However, we are still just at the beginning, and many steps have to be made.
It puts further pressure on technology, access to technology, investment, organisational change, skills, regulation, and not In the least awareness, which is unevenly spread among organisations, geographies, sectors and stakeholders.
The purpose of this working group is to find and prioritise key themes or issues from the stakeholder perspective, especially those that are cross cutting and where policy can make the biggest difference. The second step is to formulate recommendations within these priorities to MEP’s and the Commission. These recommendations should be actionable and not merely a wish list.
Detailed agenda of the event here.
Knowledge4Innovation Forum
Co-hosted by MEPs Susana Solís Pérez and Brando Benifei (tbc)
Speakers for this event
Benifei, Brando
Benifei, Brando
Member of the European Parliament
Brando Benifei, 31, European Federalist, is one of the youngest MEPs and is from La Spezia, Italy. He has been chair of European affairs for the Young Democrats and Vice-President of ECOSY (youth organization of PES) for 4 years and was part of the PES working group which originally drafted the European Youth Guarantee. His main fields of legislative work in the EP are Employment and social affairs and Foreign affairs. He is co-chair of the Youth Intergroup and vice-chair of the Disability Intergroup. Among his parliamentary activities in the Committee of Employment and Social Affairs, he was responsible for key legislative and non-legislative reports on the social inclusion and integration of refugees into the EU labour market; youth employment policy such as the Youth Guarantee and the Youth Employment Initiative; digitalisation and rights of persons with disability.
Member of the European Parliament